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I’m Willow, a certified Holistic Health Coach and self confessed ex junk food addict!

Only a few short years ago I doubt there was anyone who would have classified me as ‘healthy’.  A smoker, binge drinker, fast food fan and someone wholly unfamiliar with the vegetable aisle at the supermarket. I survived on a diet of chocolate bars, diet coke and ‘beige food‘.  To me, the word ‘healthy’ was something I associated with being dull and boring, a far cry from the lifestyle I was interested in. 

At the time, living in London and working long hours within a highly competitive environment, looking after my health didn’t even cross my mind, and yet, there I was in my early 20’s, suffering with crippling anxiety, severe stress, interrupted sleep and skin disorders where cystic acne was a constant battle in my life. 

As many of us do, I went about life never making the connection between my diet, lifestyle and it’s damaging ramifications on all areas of my wellbeing. I accepted the anxiety and low energy as part of a busy life, got through my days by drinking triple shot lattes and endured several rounds of Roaccutane (a strong and powerful acne drug ) to mask the skin issues that exacerbated my low self esteem. 

The realisation for me didn’t happen overnight, it was a slow process. However, the one thing I learned early on is that health and wellbeing is not just about the food that you put on your plate. It is a complex issue, fully entwined with how you think, what you absorb, your environment, your relationships as well as how active you are. 

Whilst on my journey, I discovered Holistic Health and Nutrition School, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Although up until this point I had received no education in this area, they seemed to explain things in the way I had been discovering them for myself. Yes, I can fill my plate with broccoli, but is that going to stop me reaching for a family size chocolate bar 30 minutes later?  One of the most important factors I took from my learning is that we are all individual, and what works for one is not necessarily what is best for another. This is why I have found the holistic approach to be so affective. Nutrition is only part of your health journey and perhaps why some struggle so much when focusing on this one area alone.

My mantra is that being healthy does not have to be boring! I truly believe, by listening to the needs of our mind and body, we can implement small changes that can dramatically transform our lives for the better.

I look forward to going on this exciting journey with you and to see you become to the happiest, healthiest version of yourself that I know you deserve to be!

With love 


About Me: About
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